I want to access desired variables by passing variable name type string to it and it will give me value of the variable.
variableName (type string)="variable1"; <input parameter>
variableOutResult (type int) <output parameter>
variable1 <int type>=1; (default value)
variable2 <int type>=2; (default value)
using setValue activity. I want to create an expression which will return default value of variable1 or variable2
XPath mapping
(Location) (Expression)
/process_data/@variableOutResult "/process_data/@"+"/process_data/variableName" <red colored string is access to a variable which has value as variable1 or variable2>
underlying vauriable will form "/process_data/@variable1" which should store value to variableOutResult and give result as 1.
Please let me know if you need more clarification.