I'm having a problem pulling out data from a node. I'm using the following XPATH expression to try to consolidate all comments into a single field (string):
concat(/process_data/ResultsXML/approvers/approver[/process_data/@Approver_index]/CommonNa me,': ',/process_data/ResultsXML/approvers/approver[/process_data/@Approver_index]/Comment,' I built a loop which increments the variable Approver_index and a counter called Approver_count. The loop works perfect as when I record/playback the process loops through the expected interations. I can see the Approver_index variable also properly increments through each loop. Despite that, the above statement works perfect for approver[1] but never gets approver[2]. It continually processes against [1] until approver_count it satisfied. So it never seems to pick up the updated value of Approver_index even tho in playback I CAN see approver_index incrementing. Any ideas? This is killing me. I've tried a number of different methods and validated my loop logic is correct.