I am receiving the following error looking into Workbench log:
Caused by: | [com.adobe.idp.um.api.impl.AuthorizationManagerImpl] errorCode:16385 errorCodeHEX:0x4001 message:[ibm][db2][jcc][t4][2012][11248] Connection authorization failure occurred. Reason: Password expired.DSRA0010E: SQL State = null, Error Code = -4,214| [com.adobe.idp.storeprovider.database.DBDatasourceFactory] errorCode:8193 errorCodeHEX:0x2001 message:[ibm][db2][jcc][t4][2012][11248] Connection authorization failure occurred. Reason: Password expired.DSRA0010E: SQL State = null, Error Code = -4,214
Which password is this referring to? I get the same type of error in the AdminUi when adding a TaskManager End Point and I am logged into the AdminUi and session has not expired.