I am trying to create a txt file in UNIX environment and building a string using concat method. The requirement is to insert a new line between the string value. I tried the following but nothing seems to work.
- concat("FirstLine","\n","SecondLine);
- concat("FirstLine","\\n","SecondLine);
- concat("FirstLine","/\n","SecondLine);
- concat("FirstLine","
- concat("FirstLine","
- concat("FirstLine","
- concat("FirstLine","
- concat("FirstLine",CHAR(10),"SecondLine);
- concat("FirstLine",Char(10),"SecondLine);
attempts 1-7 concatenated the string into only one line. Attempts 8,9 threw an error saying "CHAR" or "Char" is not a valid method. Can anyone help me out with this?
Thanks a lot