Hello, I've got a problem with something that should be basic but has got me struggling.
I have a process, its location:
I have a PDF document, its location:
The process is very simple, the first activity after the startpoint is to check that the document exists.
To do this I am using:
Foundation > FileUtilsService > Exists
Input (literal value): /Applications/RenderPortfolio/1.0/Assets/Energy_0511.pdf
Output (variable): blnDocumentExists
Each time I invoke and playback this process it retuns blnDocumentExists with a value of "false", when I expected it to return "true" as my document path is correct.
To test my fully qualified path, I replace the Foundation > FileUtilsService > Exists activity with Foundation > RepositoryService > Read Resource Content.
Then invoke, and playback, using the Read Resouce Content as expected the pdf document is located and can be opened.
What am I doing wrong with the Exists activity???