Can someone explain to me what the difference is between the xml data type and the Document data type in workbench? I would like to use the xml datatype in my DSC thinking it is most likely the best representation of an xml string. But I've heard that Document is more widely used and that it can represent an xml entity as well. Is this right?
My ultimate goal is to write a DSC and use a type that represent an xml string. I would like the component.xml to have the type for my input variables to automatically be typed as "xml" or "document" (whatever the one i should be using is).
I tried creating variables of both types ("xml' and "document", lower case d) and have those passed into my DSC for inspection. The object passed in are as follows:
xml: org.apache.xerces.dom.DocumentImpl
document: com.adobe.idp.Document
But if I use any of those in my component.xml, workbench is typing my variables as "DocumentImpl" or "Document".
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance!