I'm working on a big workflow and hopefully this is the last major hurdle to figure out.
I don't understand how attachments are supposed to work in ES2. In ES1 it was straight forward because attachments just got saved into an List/Document variable which I typically called 'AttachList'.
With ES2, if I do the same thing and set the assignment steps for Input and Output for 'AttachList' then the attachment get doubled on each subsequent Assignment step. After additional research I discover that the TaskResult (which I created a variable named as such) contains the attachments in a List there. Unfortunately, the contents of the TaskResult don't carry forward to the next Assignment step.
So if I use AttachList then attachments get doubled each time.
If I use TaskResult then attachments arn't visible at all on the next step.
I think my question is:
How do you ensure attachments are visable to downstream Assignments and allow new attachments to be added along the way?