Hi everyone
I think it s simple question but I m new on Adobe Livecycle Workbench
My problem is
I Have 4 different values such as
DocType int = 369
CustomerNumber int = 123456
CreateDate string or datetime = 01/01/2010
DNZ*# freetext
BarcodeGathering string
these are my values which come from the web service (except DNZ*# and BarcodeGathering)
All I want is
I want to gather all information such as DNZ*# CustomerNumber #DocType#CreateDate into BarcodeGatehering in xpath mapping
so I tried /process_data/@BarcodeGathering "DNZ*#" + /process_data/CustomerNumber + /process_data/DocType + /process_data/@
but İt didn t work
can you tell me the right syntax
Also If you give other examples I really appericate that