I have a process that needs to use the Approval Container UI and I'd like to add some attachments to the form but they don't show up when the user opens the task in the Workspace. According to the Workspace Help at http://help.adobe.com/en_US/livecycle/9.0/workspaceHelp/index.html?con tent=000014.html all I need to do is check the 'Show Attachments' check-box but if I also choose the Approval Container for the User Interface then no Attachments tab appears. In fact, none of the tabs that used to appear at the top of the User Interface appear. Is this a feature or a bug?
Rather, I should say, the tabs that appear above the form for the 'Default' user interface - when Attachments are allowed - are Task Details, Form, Audit, and Attachments (with a number of attachments in parentheses) and Save/Complete buttons appear on the bottom (if Reader Submit is selected). For the Approval Container interface no tabs appear on the top and the buttons on the bottom include Document, Ownership, and the other custom paths defined.