Hi all,<br /><br />I have a process which handles a number of forms (3 or 4 depending on the routes chosen).<br /><br />Along the process i store the forms as documents and add them to a list variable. In the end of the process I call a subprocess with this list as input and this process uses a ddx-file for assembling a pdf-package that can be presented as an overview/result of a specific invocation. The ddx-file looks like this:<br /><br /><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><br /> <DDX xmlns="http://ns.adobe.com/DDX/1.0/"><br /> <PDF result="GeneratedDocument.pdf"> <br /> <PackageFiles> <br /> <PDF source="attachments"/><br /> </PackageFiles> <br /> </PDF><br /> </DDX><br /><br />The map that I use as input for the invokeDDX service is created like this:<br /><br />/process_data/ddxMap[@id="attachments"] = /process_data/ddxList<br /><br />After this step the ddxList variable has the size 3 and the ddxMap variable has a size of 1. Is this not the correct approach?<br /><br />Post is continued below: