I am trying to setup an email endpoint for a process that I have tested successfully using Workspace. I have added a button to the PDF form that would send an email that would trigger the process using the email endpoint. I have reviewed the other relevant discussions in the forums but still there are few things that arent clear in my head.
1. While testing the form and process using Workspace, I had created an xfaForm variable that would be the input from the first activity that invokes the process using Workspace. Now when I am trying to acheive the same with email enpoint the input is no longer an xfaForm right?
2. I noticed in previous discussions that there was a reference to creating a document variable and assigning that to the document input. While submitting the form to the email address used by the endpoint, should I configure it to send the attachment as PDF or as XDP? i.e. should the document variable be set to a PDF or a XDP file?
3. The Input Parameter Mappings have two entries:
a. MyFormDocument - What should this be set to depending o
n if I have to attach a PDF or a XDP file as an input as it seems to be a required field?. Curently I have it set to Variable - "*'*"
b. document - How is it different from the MyFormDocument input parameter and what should it be set to?
I am running out of ideas, so any help would be appreciated.