I have been trying to create a process to add multiple document level attachments (images), count and filenames unknown at design time.
Any examples?
I am at the point where I have a loop through the list of documents (attachments), setting the current attachment and its filename in a variable, then calling AssemblerService.invokeDDX for each.
The DDX validation tells me "process:///process_data/@currentFilename" is not a valid filename.
I have tried with listOfFilenames[/process_data/currentIndex], even process:///process_data/listOfFilenames[1]. All fail to validate.
I'm not sure the FileAttachments source gets the correct value either.
<DDX xmlns="http://ns.adobe.com/DDX/1.0/">
<PDF result="pdfOut" format="PDF">
<PDF source="pdfIn"/>
<FileAttachments source="process:///process_data/@currentAtt">
<File filename="process:///process_data/@currentFilename"/>
<?ddx-source-hint name="pdfIn"?>
Using Livecycle Workbench v9.5.