background synchronization error
Suddenly my Workbench on my local machine started working really slow, I mean really slow. Process took forever to open up and the viewing the forms took ever, to open a form for edit was another 4-5...
View ArticleWeb Service - Invoke Web Service not trapping errors
Greetings All:I am having an issue trying to trap errors coming out of the Invoke Web Service service.I have a Fault Route set up for SYSTEM EXCEPTION, and direct it to an ExecuteScript service.If the...
View ArticleSet XML attribute from SetValue using Xpath
Is there a trick to assigning a value to an attribute of an element in an XML variable using XPATH inside a setValue activity? When I try something like Location/process_var/xml_var/test/@ID...
View ArticleHow to get file name of the form attachment?
Hi,is there anybody who is able to help me with the following problem???I started my process from Workspace ES and as a first step I attached one locale file (IMG.JPG or IMG.TIF e.g.) as a form...
View Articlejava.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
I have a LC server working in a LInux 5.0 is a 64bit AMD and a 4GB RAM machine.All the required services are properly being deployed.Now wen i use the worbench in our cleint machines it...
View ArticleWatched folder log
Hi guys, i have a question. I need to have a log that records the time of which file that was read by the watched folder. Everytime what i put a file, in the watched folder, and the watched folder gets...
View ArticleProblem with Datasource for SQL Server Express
I have set up a development environment to develop some processes for the HCSO client and have a question. I have a turnkey install on my laptop with MYSQL. The liveCycle databases are in MYSQL. I...
View ArticleInvoke webservice (authentication issue)
Hi, I am facing wierd thing. I have a invoke WSDL step in the process and for some reason when I try to load the WSDL URL I get 401 error. However if I open web browser on the same machine and paste...
View ArticleWorkbench ES2 crashes on x64 Vista and Windows 7
Hello,I have a problem running workbench ES2 in 64-bit environments (Windows 7 x64 Enterprise, Vista x64 Business and Vista x64 Enterprise). Whenever I try to open a process in the process view, the...
View ArticleHow to submit PDF form from my local hard disk(offline submission)?
Hi All, Earlier I used to submit PDF form using LC workspace to a LC workbench Process , but now I had a requirement to submit the PDF without workspace. I need to open a local PDF and if I click...
View ArticleEvents working on one server and not the other
We have a development and a production server for LC. I have events working on the development server that accept parameters. The services were deployed to the production server and the following error...
View ArticleSet value with XPath dynamically
Dear All, I am wonder if the following is possiable with Set Value service using XPath, any *simple* workaround is also welcome too. If I have a variable myXML =<root><item...
View ArticleRe-render or flaten PDF form after the form has filled and send its XML data...
Hello Everyone, Does any one know if it possible to re-render or flaten the pdf form after the user has filled it to send to a specific folder along with its XML data? If so, can you please provide...
View ArticleApproval by email *without* attach form
Dear all, I wonder if I can approval a process via email *without* attach a form, because I would like to enable the user to approval with their mobile phone. Any method which do not require to open...
in set value servive (x+y)i am setting value to my xml object which is similar to xfa of ES. As per ES i am setting:Location:/process_data/myXfaForm/object/data/xdp/datasets/data/* (xfa...
View ArticlegeneratePDFOutput with a variable form.
Hi I have a process which uses generatePDFOutput2 to produce a PDF. This works fine at the moment, but I need to pick the form based on a variable value which is passed in. I've tried every...
View ArticleInsert Node into XML using XPATH
Hi,I'm having problems inserting a node into a XML. After getting some attributes from the CRC result i'd like to store them in a temp xml variable.After that the parent node of the attributes should...
View ArticleLiveCycle workbench start crash
I recently installed Workbench 9.5 on a win7 64 bit OS, before that operation i removed the previously installed (and working) Workbench 9.0 as the install documentation says. Now i'm experiencing...
View ArticleGetting assemblerResult documents map
Hi, I"m using the following DDX to extract PDF attachments: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><DDX xmlns=""><FileAttachments result="attachmentInfo.xml"...
View Articleextracting data from a pdf form
Hi, livecycle es2, workbench 9.0 I'm new to workbench and have a problem extracting data from a pdf form submitted to a short lived process. I have set up the following very simple process :default...
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