Insert Node into XML using XPATH
Hi,I'm having problems inserting a node into a XML. After getting some attributes from the CRC result i'd like to store them in a temp xml variable.After that the parent node of the attributes should...
View ArticleQuery for Multiple Rows as XML 'NULL' question
There are two fields in the database. Foo = null (real null)Foo1 = '' (blank string) In my return xml the nodes are as follows: <Foo>null</Foo><Foo1/> Why is it that if there is a...
View ArticleWorkbench won't invoke Long-Lived processes
Hi, I'm having some issues with my Workbench. My Workbench won't invoke any Long-lived process. I've tried re-installing my LiveCycle workbench but no avail. I'm kind-of out of options. Does anyone...
View ArticleDownload Workbench for LiveCycle 8.2
Hi all, Could someone please post a link to download a version of workbench compatible with Adobe Livecycle 8.2? I can't find it on the website - Thanks
View ArticleInsert XML to BLOB
I'm experienceing a problem using the Foundation / Execute Query component.I'm trying to insert XML into a table using the following INSERT Statement: INSERT INTO temp_registration (ID,...
View Articlejava.lang.IllegalStateException - when processing ~1000 OR more records.
I am getting below error while running my process. I am using LC ES2, MySQL, JBoss. Below is the server log error. It is only happening when I am processing 1000+ records in my process. I have...
View ArticleHow do I get the WSDL for a SOAP end-point to include my XML schema?
I have a process that generates an XML variable containing a list of items for a drop-down list and that variable is set as the only output. The XML variable also has a schema associated with it....
View Articleblank labels in the context menu in the process designer window
Hi,I am using Windows 7 and a livecycle workbench version: Adobe LiveCycle Workbench ES2Version: The context menu is blank in the process designer window . I can see that...
View ArticleErrors when filling a large dropdown list
Hi All, Some background. I am attempting to fill a dynamic dropdown list from a datasource on my form, I do this using a custom renderer in workbench. I have done this on many forms but this time I...
View ArticleHow to connect to MySQL through workbench
Hello All, I have installed LiveCycle ES -2 through turnkey installation in a Windows -7(64 bit) system. I am trying to create a DSN in the system. But I could not get the MySQL ODBC connector. I have...
View ArticleI want to read the content of a text file dropped in a watched folder into a...
I have a workbench process with 2 variable.inDoc (DataType=Document/input/required)outStr (DataType = String/output)The document being passed to the workflow is a text file with 4 lines of text in it....
View ArticleReadTimeOut Error in Adobe Process after 10mins
Hi All I am using Adobe workbench Lifecycle 9.5. When I invoke the process either through client or Through Webservice I am getting timeout after 10 mins. Somebody pls suggest me how to get out of the...
View ArticleUser Task is not Created
We have recently run into an issue where the user task doesn't get created and the process is still in running status. The strange part the operation doesn't stall. It's just sitting there with no task...
View ArticleUsing Workbench for Batch Editing a PDF
I want to take information entered in a form and place it into certain locations in a PDF. Is workbench a good solution for a problem like this? Or is there another way that would be better? Thank you.
View ArticleInsert date into database by using JDBC Service/Execute SQL statement in...
Hello, Can any one please advise on the formatting the date so it can be inserted into the database without getting error. insert into tableA(fieldA, fieldB, dateC)values (?, ?, ?) or insert into...
View ArticleFetching values from database and populate values in the dropdownlist
Hi All, I am new to adobe live cycle workbench , I am creating a process,which will fetch values from the database based on selection of country group code, will populate the values of that particular...
View ArticleDo I need to 'Upgrade ES Artifacts' in ES4 if all my artifacts were developed...
We are upgrading to ES4 and not everything is working so I wonder if this is something I need to do? As I recall from installing ES2 this was also an option but the description seems to refer only to...
View ArticleFailed to make service configuration
Hi all, We have a problem in activating the process in LiveCycle Workbench ES 8.2.I am able to create a new process, but when I activate it shows: "Failed to make Service Configuration Active. Please...
View ArticleUsing PDFUtilityService operation Redact PDF
I cannot find documentation on how to set the options for redaction. I would like to redact six fields on every submitted form.
View ArticleHow to create an application in Adobe Livecycle Workbench?
hi All,I am trying to create an application in Adobe Livecycle Workbech. When I am trying to login, it is asking me for server configuration. How can I configure jBOSS server in Livecycle. I just want...
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