Script component set get / ProcessDataValue
Inside the script cmponent how can I set and get the process datawhich is either Object or custom Object?I found some info at on these methodspatExecContext.setProcessDataValue(aPath, aVal)(aPath,...
View ArticleManager LookUp
Hello All,I am working on the process that need to submit the form to the right manager based on his/her empl ID but having a problem of getting it works. I am using the Single Query Row with SQL...
View ArticleWhat would cause intermittant "unable to find service"?
We have a process that does a render form in the first step and we are getting intermittant failures: ALC-FRM-001-004 Unable to find service XMLFormService. connection to failed service.This operations...
View ArticleAdding List to Map
I am trying to add a list to a map ,but iam getting the following exceptionCaused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Cannot create a map entry without a key specified.Here is the pieced of xpath iam using...
View ArticleMany problems of memory, when using the workbench - LC 8.2
Hello, I have many problems memory, when using the workbench. When a try to add a component in the workbench, I get an outOfMemoreException in the log file. There is an error message in a popup in the...
View ArticleIMAP email endpoint with SSL certificates
Hi all, I have a customer that uses an SSL certificate for their mail-server, but when I set up the connection on the endpoint I get the following error: SEVERE: Application Administration: Could not...
View ArticlegetContentType returns NULL for a list of attachments
Hello. I'm designing a process whose input document is a doc which contains a couple of attach (and an XML portion of data); during the life of the process, I use the AssignTask service to render a...
View ArticleDecode error
Hi, I´m getting strange error on the Decode component (from Barcoded forms). I am decoding a different forms with barcodes, but with one of them the process crashes everytimes on Decode one, with...
View ArticleHow to submit PDF form from my local hard disk(offline submission)?
Hi All, Earlier I used to submit PDF form using LC workspace to a LC workbench Process , but now I had a requirement to submit the PDF without workspace. I need to open a local PDF and if I click...
View ArticleIssue in XSD while exchanging the doc in events handling ?
Hi Experts, I am working on events where I need to pass some information say data types are String, List of Strings and document from one process when an event occured to another process and use...
View ArticleSQL Query Single Row not working
My workflow contain a Query Single row activity. I have added a where clause in Arabic which is not working. If I remove the Arabic condition its working. Is there something to do with the server? My...
View ArticleError - upload XDP into LC Workbench
Hi, I am getting the error below , whenever i am uploading the XDP file into workbench. Anyone know how to fix this issue?? Currently my oracle database is located in drive...
View ArticleRe-render or flaten PDF form after the form has filled and send its XML data...
Hello Everyone, Does any one know if it possible to re-render or flaten the pdf form after the user has filled it to send to a specific folder along with its XML data? If so, can you please provide...
View ArticleInsert XML to BLOB
I'm experienceing a problem using the Foundation / Execute Query component.I'm trying to insert XML into a table using the following INSERT Statement: INSERT INTO temp_registration (ID,...
View ArticleReplacing a substring in an xml node with a 'Set Value'
I have a node that looks something like this: <EmailBody> <p>Ticket {$Tckt_Cd$}</p> </EmailBody> I want to replace {$Tckt_Cd$} with a variable in the Workflow...
View ArticlegeneratePDFOutput with a variable form.
Hi I have a process which uses generatePDFOutput2 to produce a PDF. This works fine at the moment, but I need to pick the form based on a variable value which is passed in. I've tried every...
View ArticleShare Technical Interview Questions need
Hi All, I am preparing for interview on adobe livecycle designer and developer first time. Can you send or tell me the interview questions please? Regards,Srujan
View Articlepartially saving the form in repository
Hi All, I have a PDF form in my livecycle repository. When the user requests for a pdf form from a webpage, it gets retreived from the livecycle repository. Now the requirement is the user can...
View ArticleHow to assign/map form_field (field from form) in the xpath
Hi, Can any one please show me how to assign/map the field from the form to the variable in Workbench ES 2.e.g. In Workbench ES ES, it was mapping like this: Location is...
View ArticleIs it possible to dynamically assign users to a Userlist?
I have a review task that needs to be assign to multiple users. However, I need the application user to control the assignment list. The Participants section of the 'Assign Multiple Tasks' service...
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