LiveCycle Workbench ES2 - "Java(TM) Platform SE binary has stopped working"...
Hi, I am getting this error when I try to create a new process o open an existing process."Java(TM) Platform SE binary has stopped working" The only option is to click on a "Close" button and end the...
View Articlehow to read data/fields of the pdf form
Hi, i want to orchestrate a process where input is interactive forma and output is xml data. i mean i want to read data/fields of the pdf form.Which activity do i use on workbench. RegardsSunil
View ArticleHow to connect to MySQL through workbench
Hello All, I have installed LiveCycle ES -2 through turnkey installation in a Windows -7(64 bit) system. I am trying to create a DSN in the system. But I could not get the MySQL ODBC connector. I have...
View ArticleUsing Events
Hi all, I have a simple one for you: I have a process that is long lived. In this process I want Task B to complete when Task A (which is in a gateway branch) is completed. I have added a Event Catch...
View ArticleHOWTO - Invoke Webservice using WSDL on Local File System
Hi, I am unable to access a Web Service from our Development Environment; however I have been provided with the WSDL and all the appropriate XSDs, does anyone know how to use this to populate the Web...
View ArticleHow to read a CDATA node with XPath?
I'm using Workbench ES2 (9.0) to build a process and am trying to use xpath to read a CDATA node from an XML variable. But when I do, I get a different value than when I read a text node without CDATA....
View ArticleEmail for Task Assigned is not sending to the mailbox
Hi,I am working on the process that need to send an email to the user to notify that there is a task that need to be process but I am not sure why it does not send email when the task is notified in...
View ArticleWorkbench ES2 crashes on x64 Vista and Windows 7
Hello,I have a problem running workbench ES2 in 64-bit environments (Windows 7 x64 Enterprise, Vista x64 Business and Vista x64 Enterprise). Whenever I try to open a process in the process view, the...
View ArticleSubmit form to a specific person by entering a specific name
Hello, I would like to ask if I can create a process that the user can submit their completed form to a specific name (or whoever they need to) with a flexibility to enter that name rather than...
View ArticleResources tab of ES3 Workbench
The resources tab of ES3 Workbench is not getting updated with the recent xdp files after migrating ES LCA into ES3 Workbench. May I know the reason for this?
View ArticleSubmit Button In Workbench process stalls
Hi all, I am new to workbench, and just getting my head around all this.I am looking at the mortgage loan example, and I start the process fine, but when I click on the submit button, it gives me a...
View ArticleGateway in the branch of another gateway
In the setup of an e-form. We require a gateway in the branch of another gateway. However i'm not getting this to work properly. Is this possible? How do I achieve this? What i have is the following:...
View ArticleHow to Create a Rich Dynamic Input and Output PDF to insert and get data...
HI , I want to use Adobe LiveCycle Designer and Adobe LiveCycle Workbench features to create a Dynamic PDF form which can allow me to store data into database(MSSQL Server) and Can also provide me the...
View ArticleFileUtilsService Write String New Line Character
Hi All, SITUATION: Writing a custom log file using the Write String service operation.Everytime an event occurs, i want to insert a new line, with date time stamp, details etc. PROBLEM:In the "value"...
View ArticleHelp required in accessing a file on shared path
Hi, I am trying to access a file present in a shared location using a custom component. When i run my Java code the file is accessible. But when i deploy the same code on livecycle as a custom...
View ArticleWorkbench configuration
Hi, Someone pls help me in configure of trail version of LC application on local machine. I have downloaded and installed Workbench trail version on my system. And when i try to login into workbench...
View ArticleHow can I get the mail body of the start point mail
Hi, I am using 'MailStartPoint' activity to fetch mails using POP3 protocol. It is fetching the mail successfully. Now, how can I read the different parts of mail message such as Subject, Body in...
View ArticleHow to invoke the running process via email or watch folder?
Hi,I initial a process in workspace using a pdf form(xfaFrom type) variable.It's a simple process. Just one assign task node to transfer the initial form to process creater.The process works fine when...
View ArticleSet XML attribute from SetValue using Xpath
Is there a trick to assigning a value to an attribute of an element in an XML variable using XPATH inside a setValue activity? When I try something like Location/process_var/xml_var/test/@ID...
View Articleclicking on process just opens a process designer blank window
hi, i am using a trial version of livecycle workbanch version: Adobe LiveCycle Workbench ES2Version: yesterday i sucessfully imported some sample application and could open...
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