Looping through records in XML Variable !!
Hi, I am getting no way how to do this. I am getting the below XML from a custom DSC component. Now I need to process it. <root> <records total_records="4"> <record>...
View Articlepdf generator fails to use MSWord
Hello,I want to assemble some native documents to PDF. Landscape is Windows 7 pro, JBoss turnkey, MS Office 2010 and OpenOffice 3.4. The server logs shows that PDF generator fails when trying to use...
View ArticleInvoke operation not found
Hi all,I have a problem invoking a small process inside a bigger process. I get the following error:2007-12-10 14:38:00,206 ERROR [com.adobe.workflow.AWS] stalling action-instance: 4545 with message:...
View ArticleExecute Script problem - NoClassDefFoundError importing com.adobe.idp.Document
I have a small Java utility jar that uses com.adobe.idp.Document in one of the method calls so I added the following line to my ExecuteScript: import com.adobe.idp.Document;Then I got the following...
View ArticleAre there any SQL Server database example applications for LiveCycle?
Are there any SQL Server database example applications for LiveCycle workbench? I am looking for things that are downloadable for free. A complete example where someone used a form to modify a table...
View ArticleData Binding Value ('$.) does not correspond to a data connection
Hello! I have a form with an existing data connection to a schema and I want to change the connection to a different schema. After I change the connection, I receive error messages that the data...
View ArticleHide Navigation Panel of PDF
Here whenever the user opens the form, PDF has Navigation panel like search, attachments , Thumbnails and document extension. Instead of attachment Tab of workspace to attach the documents , There...
View ArticleAdobe workbench errors on checkin: Asset already exists / file already exists
Adobe workbench for Myserver checkin gives errors: "Could not create the asset because the asset already exists" and/or "File already exists in global store with that name". How does one fix this?...
View ArticleALC-DSC-600-000:...
We are getting the below error while undeploy and deploy the Watched folder Application,Reason of failure is-----Failure to invoke the job Watched folderFailure to invoke the job Watched folderService...
View Article(ES3) Adding Invisible Signature field?
I understand that Signature Service can't Add Invisible Signature Field to a Dynamic XFA PDF, so I'm trying the following: Forms Service's renderPDFForm operation to Merge Form and Data; and thenOutput...
View ArticleHow to use fragments in HTML page or Java page?
HI Friends, I want to use the fragments, that i have creating in dynamic pdf form , on my web pages.I want to save my application development time so want to reuse the same fragments in the application...
View ArticleText is Geeting Stripped off on right most side during printing
Hi All, We have a requirement in which we have to print the data using pre defined templates(.xdp) and create pdf also for the same.While doing so the text on the right most side is getting stripped...
View ArticleRepository Viewing inhibited (local workspace error)
When opening LifeCycle Workbench I encounter the following Exception:"An error was encountered while trying to reference the local workspace. Repository Viewing inhibited."Another error that may (or...
View ArticleUsing the LiveCycle SQL (JDBC) component
The LiveCycle JDBC/SQL component is probably the most useful component in the Foundation category. You can use it to query a database, which can help pre-populate forms, make routing decisions, and...
View Articleget the process id from a custom component
Hello,Anyone knows how to get the process id from a custom component?thank you
View ArticleSet XML attribute from SetValue using Xpath
Is there a trick to assigning a value to an attribute of an element in an XML variable using XPATH inside a setValue activity? When I try something like Location/process_var/xml_var/test/@ID...
View ArticleHow to get file name of the form attachment?
Hi,is there anybody who is able to help me with the following problem???I started my process from Workspace ES and as a first step I attached one locale file (IMG.JPG or IMG.TIF e.g.) as a form...
View ArticleHow to connect to External Database, if say SQL server, from Adobe LC
Hi everyone, I have one application, which needs to save and load data from/to an external database,SQL server.I have no idea on how to implement this.But with my knowledge I managed to create DSs and...
View ArticleSubmit process properties??
In Workbench ES2, the submit process properties has a variable named applyRE. What is the use of this variable? This service will be invoked when the user submits the form. Then whats the use of this...
View ArticleExecute Script to read XML variable
How is it possible to read from XML variable? I tried using patExecContext.getProcessDataDocumentValuepatExecContext.getProcessDataValue and it didn't work. Can someone please help Aditya
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